
  Anne Gordon Fritz, Artist

I have been painting since I was a child having been enrolled in a watercolor class at age four.
I studied classic art history, interior design and architecture in a small private college in California.  I have used skills learned in those classes and further art classes in Chicago where I earned a BGS Degree in Studio Art in 1976.

In 2001, I ventured into painting on silk with Sennelier silk dyes.  I loved painting with this medium for 20 years and was quite successful at it. Currently, I paint with watercolors, and acrylics.  I enjoy using Gesso to create abstract images within realistic scenes. I also use Cyanotype on watercolor paper.  I often use watercolors over the Cyanotypes to enhance a design.  

I enjoy painting our New Mexico native plants and skies, but also waterscapes.  My paintings have been exhibited in local, state, and national exhibitions.     

Currently 8 of my watercolors are in St. Mark's first Art Exhibition in 1 1/2 years.  Please come to this show from 9-2, Monday through Thursdays, and Sundays from 9-12.  The members paintings are shown until December 3, 2021.          

Artist Memberships
Buford Artists Group, Buford GA, 2004-2012;
Kudzu Art Zone, Norcross GA, 2004-2012;
Silk Painters International, 2001-2016;
Silk Painters Guild for Fine Artists 2001- 2016; 
New Mexico Silk Painters Guild, 2012-Present; 
St. Mark's Sacred Arts Guild, 2013-Present;
Rio Grande Artists Association, 2016-Present; 
New Mexico Watercolor Society, 2020-Present

Irises on Silk, Sold


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